Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade

Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade

Like many of you, last week, I saw news alerts of the closest possibility of the Supreme Court decision to repeal Roe v. Wade that I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. 

As individuals who acknowledge inequities and power dynamics that obstruct the advancement of all birthing people, we have a responsibility to speak out when these rights are under attack.

In our efforts to impact change at all four levels (personal, interpersonal, cultural, institutional), we know there is one element central to the advancement of historically excluded groups, particularly womxn: power. While we recognize that the country is composed of many viewpoints, we firmly believe all people must continue to hold the power to make their own decisions about their bodies and selves — especially reproductive decisions.

Since 2018, The UN Human Rights Committee has designated access to safe abortions as a global human right and an essential building block for gender equality. Additionally, we must acknowledge that restricting access harms communities of color and those in the working class the most. Those who can afford to travel and have access to quality health care will be able to find ways to access safe abortion resources. Controlling birthing bodies, and womxn generally, is a longstanding tactic utilized to uphold traditional power dynamics. There is no gender equality without the freedom and right to choose our own futures. 

We also acknowledge that many individuals have complicated feelings about abortion, the court system, and power dynamics. This news may stir up complicated emotions and tough questions. So, what can we do? 

While this decision has yet to be confirmed, we still have time to act. Contact your local representatives in Congress, push to eliminate or change the filibuster, go to a local march, learn about expanding the court — so you can be informed should that become a ballot issue — and more. Know that we are all in this together. 

We welcome you to join upcoming discussions and will soon share additional ways to participate in the conversation and take action as we work together to support womxn’s rights and the rights of all birthing people — those who choose to birth, those who choose not to, those who cannot; all. Please let us know what you may need.

In community,

Elika Dadsetan-Foley,

VISIONS Executive Director