My tears burn

My tears burn

My hearts on fire
We try to answer this wicked question
With a simple answer
So much anger
Underneath all sadness
All shame
We cannot talk about
We will not talk about
Because those moments
our opposing opinions
Bring too much pain
Where is the line
When do I stand
And say we have to fight
For those
Who cant
are tired
Been fighting
How do we
Understand the both the and
We’re all here because we stand
We feel
It’s real this call
For equity
Don’t worry we know they’ll say
Why do you have to make things so difficult
How do I say that is not ok
Without pushing you away
Both trying to convince the other
My pain is valid too
It’s a lot
Too much for these words
Too much for these emotions
The only peace I find is in
Connection reminding me

Of my humanity

– Alexandria Ellis, VISIONS community member