Donate to VISIONS, Inc.
VISIONS, Inc. is a public nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Therefore, donors may deduct contributions as provided in Section 170 of the IRS Code. Our Tax ID# is: 52-1378064. We are grateful for monetary donations in all amounts.
VISIONS, Inc. just earned the 2020 Gold Seal of Transparency on GuideStar. Now our community members can find in-depth information about our goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. We’re shining a spotlight on the difference we help make.
For your convenience, we now accept credit card donations via our secure Paypal.
To make a donation by check, please include this form and make your check payable to: VISIONS, Inc.; memo: Donation; and mail to:
1452 Dorchester Ave., 4th Floor
Dorchester, MA 02122
Make you gift go further! Inquire if your employer offers a matching gift program for charitable giving. Employers may match your gift up to 100%. Send your employer’s matching gift form in with your gift, or if making donation via paypal, notify and email the form to If your company works with Benevity, VISIONS is a registered nonprofit with Benevity and they may be able to process your matching gift directly.
Stock or Mutual Funds Donation
Consider leaving VISIONS a lasting legacy.
Planned giving support ensures that VISIONS remains a beacon for a more just and equitable world. By including a gift to VISIONS through your will or living trust, or through beneficiary designations in:
- retirement plans,
- charitable gift annuities,
- life insurance policies,
- donor advised funds
…your contribution will honor your legacy and support the legacy of VISIONS’ mission, an organization you have come to know as doing important work.
For more information, you can either contact your estate or financial planner or call Nikki Glass at VISIONS at 617-541-4108.